Angela D. Andrews

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Forgiveness first acknowledges

The power of forgiveness for the parts inside of our systems can be life-changing. Prayer is helpful to acknowledge the hurt and hate, to feel the pain of interpersonal offense that each part carries and honor it for being real. Recognize how invalidating, dismissive, arrogant, rejecting, betraying, unjustified, neglectful, deceptive, superior, ignorant, selfish, insecure, manipulative, hateful and disrespectful what happened to you was, because of somebody else’s decision making. Then you can allow the parts that were privy to the experience to speak from their perspective. You can write out what each part is feeling. For example, when I was rejected it hurt my feelings and silenced me, had me questioning myself, choices, and purpose. I hated them in response and fought back in the natural, with exposure, vengeance and proof of my position. I got stuck in cycles of thought that were debilitating and limiting of my own potential. I lost sight of the supernatural approach God takes in my life because I exchanged it for the dumbed down version of man’s expectation. I threw in the towel to come under a yoke of slavery, that further disappointed and sapped my strength. I climbed right back into the box of judgment over what I endured, causing me to stagnate as a victim who was ripped off by another’s interpretation of me. I lost my firm footing and aborted self advocacy for a lesser mandate; distraction. I allowed bitterness to take route and snuff out joy and purpose, because they longed for the affection and understanding of others, instead of who God says that I am. I am saddened by my own emotional unrest and I surrender it. I lay down my need to be right and known as the expert and my voice to be heard instead of listening for the whispers of Jesus in my ear. I confess my bitterness has caused my inward parts to suffer further, and I ask for light to shine into their darkest of perceptions. I admit that my pain both physically and emotionally has become a badge of honor that I focus on which leaves me exhausted. For what I can bring up in the conscious I release from judgement for the sake of liberty. For memories that are repressed in my subconscious I ask that you extend freedom and dislodge the hold imbedded in history. I long to forgive my perpetrators, just as much as I long to forgive myself for the bitter root judgments that bread offshoots of expecting the same treatment, and to be continuously let down. I need you to do for me and to do for those who have hurt me what we cannot do for ourselves. I give you my pain, powerless, hopeless, and un-believing parts, and I seek your love and acceptance to permeate their young mindsets so they can integrate wholeness to this present day.  I receive the great exchange of forgiveness for my bitterness inside my spirit and soul.